List of products by brand Ecoterrazas

Nurseries Ecoterrazas

Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Ionantha Huamelula Pulk

A Tillandsia Pulk or Clump is a natural cluster of air plants that grow together, creating a dense and attractive mass, usually ball-shaped in the case of Ionanthas. Easy to maintain, it adds an exotic and decorative touch to any space. This Ionantha Huamelula Pulk can contain 4 to 6 units, depending on their size.
Neoregelia Domino Neoregelia Domino 2
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Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Domino

Neoregelia Domino is a species of the Bromeliaceae family, known for its attractive appearance and vibrant colours.It is an epiphytic bromeliad, which means that it often grows on other plants without being parasitic.This particular variety is prized for its broad, flat leaves, which form a central rosette.The leaves have a distinctive pattern of stripes...
Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Amaranda

Neoregalia Amaranda is an epiphytic plant, native to Brazil and belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, known for its attractive foliage and vibrant colours.

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