Aeranthos Tillandsia Ecoterrazas
Aeranthos Tillandsia Ecoterrazas

Aeranthos Tillandsia

1 Reviews

The variety of air plant Aeranthos more commonly called Dianthus air, tillandsia Aeranthos is listed as a small plant, this specimen of tillandsia can measure up to 14cm

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Specimens grow one at a time or in clusters formed by a multitude of specimens. The leaves of this variety are winged and straight, also this variety has leaves covered with silver-coloured trichomes which absorb water from the environment.

The name tillandsia Aeranthos comes from Latin, specifically from two Greek verbs aer and anthos, these verbs have the following meaning aer means air and anthos means flower, the name would be as follows Air flower, the plant is considered epiphyte because it also grows on the stems of trees, being very common in the tipa tree.

This variety of tillandsia or air carnation can be found in warm and humid forests in tropical areas of southern America, but this tillandsia aeranthos adapts easily to any type of crop and vegetation, as happens in the Canary Islands that there is this variety of tillandsia, also responds well in indoor crops with artificial light.

The air carnation (Tillandsia aeranthos) is an epiphytic plant of the bromeliad family. It grows hanging from trees and rocks near sea level in Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and Argentina. In Ecuador, they are used as an antispasmodic and for eye infections. And it is a suitable plant for the composition of indoor vertical gardens, providing some freshness and life to our room.
The genus Tillandsia was described by Linnaeus in honour of the Finnish physician and botanist Dr. Elias Tillandz. The species Tillandsia aeranthos was described by the botanist Jean Louis August Loiseleur Deslongchamps, abbreviated Loisel.

Tillandsia aeranthos is a narrow-leaved plant; it grows in rainy areas; from sea level up to several hundred metres in altitude. The nutrients needed by the plant are collected from the air (dust, falling leaves and insect materials) through structures on the leaves called trichomes. Trichomes.


Tillandsia species are epiphytes, i.e. in nature they grow on other plants, without being their parasites.

They grow out of the ground, on top of other plants, usually on trees or on rocks and cliffs.

Reproduction is ensured by seedlings called tillers. A single plant may have a dozen tillers which can be developed separately or left with the parent plant to form a new colony. The roots use them only as simple anchors.

They prefer indirect or diffused sunlight in summer (full summer sun will damage the leaves) only direct sun in winter is acceptable. If indoors, Tillandsia should be placed near a sunny window, although they prefer to be outdoors.
The ideal air is the gentle movement of fresh air.

Rainwater is the first choice for watering. If rainwater is not sufficient, tap water can be used. Plants should be thoroughly dipped twice a week when they are not yet in flower, more often in warm, dry conditions, but plants should not be kept constantly wet, but should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Spraying them with water is not a substitute for immersion. Flowering plants are more susceptible to rot and should not be submerged. Tillandsia cannot survive with constant water, nor can they be planted in soil.

Suitable temperature is between 32 and 10° C. They are frost sensitive, except for the hardiest species, T. usneoides, which can tolerate night frosts around -10°C.

Spray with houseplant fertiliser once every two weeks in spring and summer, and once every four weeks in autumn and winter. Fertiliser should be diluted to one quarter of the recommended concentration.


Although grown for their general appearance rather than their flowers, some Tillandsia have regular blooms, and some species have very impressive flowers. These plants often vary in leaf colour (usually changing from green to red) around the flower. This is an indication that the plant is monocarpic (producing flowers only once before dying) but seedlings arising around the flowering plant will continue to live.

After flowering, the plant will form seedlings or tillers around the parent plant. These should be left on the plant for as long as possible, because they continue to develop around it, forming a colony. Fixing the plant to a base can be done with glue or silicone as long as they are soluble, avoiding the lowest leaves at the base and taking the roots that grow at the base. To make floral designs, seashells, dry wood trunks, corals, rocks, ceramics, fountains or crystals are used.

Stand/bark not included

1 Reviews

la flor...
la hemos puesto en el rincon que tenia su nombre, la flor, que temporada tiene? cuantas horas de luz son necesarias o recomendadas al dia. gracias
By Emilio on 01/28/2020

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