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Starter pack 15 Tillandsias
Starter pack 15 Tillandsias

Starter pack 15 Tillandsias


This magnificent pack of 15 Tillandsias is perfect both for those who want to start in the wonderful world of Tillandsias and for those who want to expand their collection at an unbeatable price.


The pack consists of the following species of Tillandsias in size S:

3 x Bergueri

1x Baileyi

1x Ionantha Rubra

1x Albertiana

1x Ionantha Ionantha

1x Caerulea

1x Aeranthos

1x Capitata Peach

1x Caput Medusae

1x Tricolor Melanocrater

1x Ionantha Scaposa

1x Brachycaulos Multiflora

1x Butzii

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